
strange & stranger

Trader Joe's
Friday May 13, 2005
6:30 pm

TJ Cashier: Hi! Did you find everything you need?

Me: Yes. Thanks.

Beep. Scan. Beep. Scan.

TJ Cashier: I'm getting my haircut Sunday!

Beep. Scan. Beep.

Me: Oh….(nods head, slightly confused at the randomness of the comment, swipes debit card)

TJ Cashier: Here's your receipt. Thanks for comin' in!

Me: Thanks.

TJ Cashier: My mom's evil!

Me: (Blank stare, totally confused, grabs bag and high tails it outta there!)

1 comment:

Dan said...

I dated this girl once... Well, okay, I only dated her for a few days. She was from Georgia, real nice southern accent except when it was dark, then she talked like a Leprechaun (the one from the Lucky Charms commercials) - it was strange and just didn't work out.

When I hear Lucky's voice drifting from the TV a chill goes up my spine. Beware of this woman, she means you ill...

Great post!!!